
Bienvenue Property
Owning a property such as a house or an apartment requires endless hours of upkeep - repairs and maintenance, cleaning, gardening - the list goes on and on. And if your property is a holiday residence, you should not have to spend a large part of your vacation time on these bothersome responsibilities.
We will take care of all those time-consuming tasks for you. From watering your flowers and the clearing of brush to shampooing your carpets and managing your rental property, we do it all.
Our services include
- Lawn care
- Gardening
- Brush clearing
- Pool maintenance
- Window cleaning
- Etc.
- Cleaning including carpets and drapes
- Painting and wallpapering
- Plant care
- Repairs and maintenance
- Etc.
- Regular security checks
- Agent services such as Rental Management
- Cleaning before and after a rental
- Drop off and pick up of keys
- Overseeing renovations
- Other special requests
- Etc.
A unique interlocutor in your listening
No job is too big or too small. For other services not mentioned, please ask us.
At Bienvenue- Property we understand that your time and property are valuable. By utilizing our services, you can be certain that your property will be taken care of to your exact instructions giving you the time and the piece of mind you deserve - we are here to help you.
For more information about our services, our prices and what we can do for you, please contact me by phone at + 351 910 868 502, or by email at